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Navigating the Mysteries
"The correct response to uncertainty is mythmaking. It always was. Not punditry, allegory, or mandate, but mythmaking. The creation of stories. We are tuned to do so, right down to our bones. The bewilderment, vivacity, and downright slog of life requires it. And such emerging art forms are not to cure or even resolve uncertainty but to deepen into it. There's no solving uncertainty. Mythmaking is... posted on May 15 2022, 2,239 reads


The Age of Invisible Stones
"We were old. We were weathered. We lost our youthful looks. We dotted Japans coastline. We stood at human height, sometimes taller. They called us tsunami stones. Our faces were carved with messages: build on higher ground. remember the last calamity. A few of us, near Kesennuma, had been around for six hundred years and our faces said: CHOOSE LIFE OVER YOUR POSSESSIONS." When did the Anthropocen... posted on May 14 2022, 1,905 reads


Beyond Polarity
"This animated video offers hope for creating together the world that honors our collective needs by building on what unifies us. To make personal change that scales up to social change requires meeting our most important needs and recognizing that people are different. These differences can add color and richness to life and they can also be polarizing. Knowing another person's needs is a startin... posted on May 13 2022, 1,818 reads


Iyore (I Return)
"My name is Imuetinyan Ugiagbe and I am a visual storyteller who happens to be visually impaired. The title of the piece I am sharing with you is Iyore (pronounced E YO RAY), which means I return in the Edo language. When I take a trip, I rarely think of whether I would make it home safely. But, all of that changed on the 13th of June, 2020." Imuetinyan Ugiagbe shares more in this moving piece.... posted on May 12 2022, 3,449 reads


Resisting Revenge to Embrace Humanity
After a Palestinian sniper killed ten Israeli soldiers including her son, who was active in the peace movement, Robi Damelin's first words were: "Do not take revenge in the name of my son." Somewhere below the grief, she knew even in that moment that exacting vengeance would merely fuel the cycle of violence. In her pain, Robi couldn't bear "business as usual" and closed down her PR office. She so... posted on May 11 2022, 2,423 reads


Becoming Who You Are Meant to Be
"In this podcast, Dr. Bolen joins Sounds True founder Tami Simon to reflect on her many years as a writer, teacher, and activist, and how doing our soul work becomes the path to self-actualization, connection, and contribution throughout our lives. They also discuss our innate capacity for love and awe; becoming a whole-brain person; speaking up as a key aspect of individuation; gratitude and appr... posted on May 09 2022, 3,999 reads


What We Nurture
"A few years ago, Krista Tippett hosted an event in Detroit -- a city in flux -- on the theme of raising children. The conversation that resulted with the Jewish-Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist Sylvia Boorstein has been a companion to her and to many from that day forward. Here it is again as an offering for Mothers Day in a world still and again in flux, and where the matter of raising new ... posted on May 08 2022, 4,401 reads


A Thing of Beauty
"When the artist James Turrell was a young boy, his grandmother gave him some advice about what to do in the meetings they would attend as a Quaker family: "go inside, and greet the light". Her words appear to have struck something of a chord. Today, Turrell is virtually synonymous with light art and his work is often discussed in terms of engendering sublime experiences and representing a spiritu... posted on May 07 2022, 2,403 reads


Perpetual Motion
Don't miss this busy, vibrant woman who is continually active on her farm, doing the chores, loving the animals (she looks into the eyes of each one every day). Everyone wants to know when she will stop, but she says never! Even if they put her in a coffin she says she will stand up again and start walking. Why? Because while every day may not be fun, there's always a reason to get up and be going... posted on May 06 2022, 2,349 reads


Ancient Green: Moss, Climate and Deep Time
"Taking a long view of life on Earth, Robin Wall Kimmerer (author of 'Braiding Sweetgrass,')explores how mosses--ancient beings who transformed the world--teach us strategies for persisting amid a changing climate.

... posted on May 05 2022, 2,209 reads


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Quote Bulletin

The first step to building a new world is to start living it, but don't stop there.
Jason Angell

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